Heavy machinery for mining

Full Technical Documentation Library Management

Accurate and up to date software and technical documentation, it’s about avoiding costly downtimes. Our fully managed LinkOne Technical Documentation Management service keeps both your software and LinkOne library current, freeing up your team to get on with the job at hand. When assets are purchased or even if things change, simply send us the details, we’ll keep your documentation up to date and make sure it’s in your library for current, and future reference.

Don’t let time constraints, staff turnover or human error put your maintenance schedules, equipment downtime and reputation at risk. Our cost effective fully technical documentation management service means your LinkOne library are always a top priority.

Does your business rely on accurate parts identification? Get some peace of mind

Streamline My LinkOne Software and Library Management

Is a single go to source for all your OEM catalogues, linked to your equipment register just an impossible dream”?

DS TechWrite is a leading LinkOne Specialist team, trusted for over 25 years by anybody who is anybody in the Equipment Manufacturing and Maintenance industry. Our LinkOne managed services means we take the hard work away and ensure your LinkOne Software and library are always current, secure and most importantly, always up to date. Maintenance is already a cost to your business, make sure your team have finger tip access to the correct information, they need so they can spend more time on the tools.

Feel confident that all OEM Updates are incorporated into your library without delay and without question. That your library is streamlined for efficient parts identification.

Only DS TechWrite streamlines your business, not just your documentation

After 25 years in the heavy machinery maintenance and parts procurement industry, we understand your business needs,. When you partner with DS TechWrite, you’re gaining productivity and reducing wasted time searching for the correct parts information for your equipment giving your maintenance workers more time on the tools, but more importantly, getting your equipment back up and running faster, allowing it to do the job its meant to do . We customise our managed services to fit your business needs – whether you’re using the online or offline LinkOne solution. We partner with you to provide the managed service you need to get on with business.

  • Timely manual updates to keep your machinery parts identification accurate and to slash downtime
  • Superior parts identification tools to streamline the ordering process
  • Site Overview Books with equipment specific configured links to ensure that the OEM catalogues being viewed by your equipment maintainers perfectly match the build of the equipment.
  • Managed integration with leading maintenance and inventory management programs to streamline the identify to requisition process, creating a one stop shop for all maintenance activities.
    • Optional LinkOne Webview hosting to keep infrastructure and tech support costs down.
  • Backup Services: When you’re dealing with heavy equipment with a 30 year lifespan, know that every version of your technical documentation is kept safe. Our LinkOne Managed Services takes over the management of the entire LinkOne library is driven by the assets in your asset register, not by only the data added in the last 5 years – every version is kept safe and compared against your current manual. Our offsite back up system means it’s in good hands, for the whole lifecycle of your machinery.
  • Audits: We audit your LinkOne book library against the equipment register from your equipment maintenance management system. Using your Asset Register we implement a site breakdown of equipment types and branding to provide an easy to navigate graphical representation, linked to the OEM catalogue for each unique piece of equipment.
  • Accurate Future Proofing: The Audit allows us to identify areas of discrepancy, including missing OEM catalogues and retired pieces of equipment to ensure your library is current and users are only ever accessing up to date and relevant information. The audit will conclude with a report detailing all changes and missing OEM information, giving you the ability to consult with your OEM account managers to obtain any missing information.

The wrong part causes big delays. What could machinery downtime cost your site? Talk to us NOW.

Take it off the to do list, and put it on “done” with one call.

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